Diponegoro University opened as wide as possible for prospective students who are interested to participate in quality education in courses of study / department / faculty for the program strata 1 and diploma III, which exist in the environment Undip with through the selection as follows:
1. PSSB Line (Program Selection Potential Students) program for both Strata 1 (S1) or Diploma programs III (D-III). Selection is usually registration starting in January each year. PSSB path is the path without a test. Complete information published on the web site: pssb.undip.ac.id.Program PSSB for 2011 will receive from CMS (for some departments / faculties specific) for both S1 and D3.
2. Line UM I (Self Exam I) is the point of selection through a written test to participate in educational programs S1. For the year 2011, enrollment began approaching the implementation SNMPTN 2011.
3. SNMPTN Line (National Selection of Higher Education Student Affairs) is a test path through the national selection for educational programs S1.
4. Line UM II (Self Exam II) are writing a test track for S1 Regular II. Online Registration June - July 2011
5. Line UM D-III (Self Diploma Exam - III) is a written test for selection of specific courses Diploma III (D-III). Usually registration starts in July each year.
Alhamdulillah all the practice problems you can download. You are the visitors to prayer, our team successfully processed Exercise Problem Undip UM 2011, then revisit our site as often as possible. Thanks!
Download Prediksi Soal Um Undip 2011
Basic Reasoning Problem:
(All Exercises Completed with Solutions!)
Basic Mathematics for Science Program
Basic Mathematics for Social Program
English Language
Science Reasoning Problem:
Problem of Social Reasoning:
IPS Terpadu
1. PSSB Line (Program Selection Potential Students) program for both Strata 1 (S1) or Diploma programs III (D-III). Selection is usually registration starting in January each year. PSSB path is the path without a test. Complete information published on the web site: pssb.undip.ac.id.Program PSSB for 2011 will receive from CMS (for some departments / faculties specific) for both S1 and D3.
2. Line UM I (Self Exam I) is the point of selection through a written test to participate in educational programs S1. For the year 2011, enrollment began approaching the implementation SNMPTN 2011.
3. SNMPTN Line (National Selection of Higher Education Student Affairs) is a test path through the national selection for educational programs S1.
4. Line UM II (Self Exam II) are writing a test track for S1 Regular II. Online Registration June - July 2011
5. Line UM D-III (Self Diploma Exam - III) is a written test for selection of specific courses Diploma III (D-III). Usually registration starts in July each year.
Alhamdulillah all the practice problems you can download. You are the visitors to prayer, our team successfully processed Exercise Problem Undip UM 2011, then revisit our site as often as possible. Thanks!
Download Prediksi Soal Um Undip 2011
Basic Reasoning Problem:
(All Exercises Completed with Solutions!)
Basic Mathematics for Science Program
Basic Mathematics for Social Program
English Language
Science Reasoning Problem:
Problem of Social Reasoning:
IPS Terpadu
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